Give to Calvary

There are many things we receive from God: talents, finances, possessions and opportunities. The only thing God asks is that we give Him back only a portion of this. Your giving is set apart as a gift to the Lord for works of mercy, grace, love and the expansion of the Kingdom of God here and now.    

The church body funds the ministry at Calvary by God’s provision through the gifts and tithes of its members. It is our goal to exercise wise and faithful stewardship with God’s provision. Your gift is ultimately an act of worship unto the Lord.  

With this in mind Calvary encourages you to take advantage of our online giving feature. This is a simple and easy way to support the ministries at Calvary Baptist. As many people bank and pay bills online, Calvary hopes online giving makes it easier to practice joyful generosity.

Following Biblical principles of stewardship, Calvary does not allow the use of credit cards. Please also consider when choosing to give online that 1-2% of your online giving amount will go toward transaction fees.


other ways to give

Contribute by Cash or Check

  • Place cash or check in the offering plate at any worship service.
  • Bring cash or check by the church office during regular office hours. (Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm)
  • Place check in an envelope and mail (Calvary Baptist Church, ATTN: Finance Admin, 1001 N. 18th A St. Waco TX 76707) through regular US mail.
  • All cash or checks received will be deposited into the general (budget) account unless otherwise noted on the outside of the envelope or on the memo check line.
  • All cash must be in an envelope and labeled with contributor’s name in order to be credited to the contributor’s individual giving record.

Contribute through ACH Banking (Direct Deposit)

Calvary has an agreement with our local bank – Community Bank and Trust. The bank will withdraw contributions from contributor’s personal bank account and place the contribution in Calvary’s general operating account. There are NO bank charges for this method of contributing!

  • To contribute in this way: contribution forms must be on file in the church office with signature, completed information, and voided check attached.
  • Information will include contributor’s banking account and routing number, as well as frequency (one time or recurring) and amount of contribution.
  • With written request/permission from the contributor, the Stewardship Administrator (Phil Sitton) can change the contribution amount or frequency of withdrawal as well as cancel this contribution method any time.